School Attendance & Welfare Services

Our services include:

  • We chair school attendance meetings with parents and have difficult and challenging conversations with families so that the school's relationship is maintained.
  • Where necessary and appropriate, carry out home visits to investigate safeguarding concerns
  • Meet regularly with school staff to review attendance and referrals.
  • We are authorised by Essex police to issue Penalty Notices for unauthorised absence and term time holidays.
  • Refer to social care and other agencies when necessary
  • Liaise with appropriate staff regarding child protection issues
  • Work with Social Care, Mental Health, NHS and Essex Police to safeguard children and to make school attendance a priority.
  • Provide termly attendance reports to schools
  • Attend Ofsted inspections as and when required
  • Complete documentation for cases to be progressed to the Local Authority for legal proceedings
  • Provide parenting and welfare support
  • Train and support staff on school specific systems such as SIMs.