School Attendance Services

We work for your school to increase whole school attendance and reduce the levels of persistent absentee pupils at school. We have a strong track record and long established relationships with our partner schools and would encourage any potential new schools to contact them directly to provide more information and references.

We work in partnership with our schools to develop systems and strategies which add to existing attendance structures at school. Following the advice and guidance issued by the Department of Education, our school attendance packages are specific to the needs of each partner school. All work is carried out in consultation with school to develop the most suitable strategy for the individual school. Our packages are competitive and geared to the school's needs and budget. We are very skilled in handling the difficult and sometimes challenging conversations with parents in order to maintain the school's good relations within the local community and parents.

Our Project Managers have extensive experience of working in Primary and Secondary schools, and are used to working alongside school staff to overcome barriers to poor school attendance. We work to engage with parents and families. Generally we expect to show improvement in individual cases within 6 weeks. As standard, we chair school attendance meetings, Issue Legal Warning letters and liaise with child support agencies such as Social Care.

Our Audits cover:

  • Identification, analysis, planning and review of every area and aspect relevant to your school’s attendance.
  • Review attendance legislation, guidance & school procedures ensuring they are in place
  • Term by Term Attendance Report, data analysis, action plans and graphical evidence of the progress you have made in attendance.
  • Review staff responsibilities for attendance ensuring best practice is in place.
  • Identify how to get the most out of your IT attendance systems for preparation of attendance reports for Ofsted, Governors, Senior Leadership team.
  • Identify any safeguarding concerns with regard to attendance