Company Ethos
- We are committed to the principle that every child deserves an education.
- The team work directly with schools, pupils, parents, the police, and children’s services to meet this commitment.
- We don’t advise schools on how to improve attendance…..
- We do work in school with school staff and develop school attendance systems and processes bespoke to each of our partner schools.
Our Team is experienced in Primary and Secondary school attendance with proven results in:-
- Improving Whole School Attendance
- Reducing Persistent Absentee levels across school.
- Engaging with vulnerable pupils and families.
- Individual Case progression.
Gaynor Snare- Manager
Gaynor has worked directly with Primary and Secondary Schools on school attendance for over 12 years. She is a former Essex County Council Education Welfare Officer and has an extensive knowledge of the Education Act and the roles and responsibilities of parents. Independent of Essex County Cou.....